Monday, April 11, 2011

Mommy's little helper

The time of the day that seems the most daunting for moms is more than likely cleaning the house, however in my case it is the best time of the day to entertain my little man. Cam LOVES the broom, mop, and vacuum. When the vacuum comes out we are more than thrilled, we even squeal in joy. He loves to pull off all the attachments and put them in his mouths (yuck!!). I know back in pre-baby la, la land I thought I would be able to shield my child from all things "germ", but now being a mom I let a lot of things slide! Here's a couple pictures of my little helper in action : ) And yes since I know your thinking it, I need a new broom.
Mommy you missed a spot!
Ha-ha (Cam's devious laugh) you can't catch me!
Oh how I love the broom : )

I am convinced I need to stop buying toys and start buying cleaning utensils!
Thanks for reading!


Steph said...

Go Cam the cleanin' Man!! Super cute Sherry =)

Steph said...

...and so happy to find the blog you are following 'Happy Runner' it! You and Mick keep me inspired to keep running! Training for a half marathon for June 12th now!