Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Way to long . . .

I feel like I am always apologizing when I make a new post. Once again I have waited more than two months before posting again : ( Not the best blogger I know.

So much has changed. The most exciting new thing is Cam's first steps. He has been walking along the furniture for months now and is finally feeling brave enough to take steps of his own. This week he took six steps from the rocking chair in his room to me. He gets so excited when he does it. He loves to throw his hands up in the air as if to say "look mom, no hands".

The bathtub is also our favorite place to play. He loves to stand and fall down on his bottom. I think the bigger the splash, the louder the giggles. This is also his new favorite place to practice standing with his arms straight up in the air (makes me nervous). I am usually as soaked after bath time as him. He also has discovered the toilet paper roll. He loves to unravel the whole thing and then tear it into pieces. I try and close the bathroom door, but he always manages to get in there at least once a week to destroy a roll. He has the sneakiest little giggle while he's doing it too. So cute!!

Cam still has NO teeth!! Crazy I know. We keep thinking he is just about to cut a new tooth
and then it stops. Ryan and keep joking that we might have to get him baby dentures soon. It certainly hasn't kept him from eating though. His favorites foods are grilled cheese sandwiches, toast with a little jam, pancakes, yogurt and cheese quesadillas. He also can't turn down anything with sugar. He is so much like me in the food department it's scary. He would live on bread, cheese, and sugar if I let him (just like his mom).

Cam is finally saying two words now. He said dada first at 10 months and now mama is quickly becoming his new favorite word. He loves to whisper "dada, dada, dada". I sometimes catch him playing with his toys or reading his books just saying it over and over again to himself. It's so cute to watch him. He is loving his books these days too. He will sit with his book tub for an hour or more just looking through his books. He loves the books with the peekaboo flaps and the fuzzy touch and feel books. Maybe we have a future scholar on our hands : )

Leaving Cam each day gets easier, but still breaks my heart to know I am missing out on half his day, especially with all these new milestones he is making. He is also happiest in the morning. I love the cuddle time when he first wakes up. He will sit on my lap in the mornings for as much as a half hour. That's the only time of the day he will do this. I have been getting up earlier each morning just to build in more morning cuddle time with him. I look forward to the weekends just knowing I get to spend my whole day with this little man. Although knowing Cam is in good hands each day while I am away is a real blessing. Cam loves Amy (she watches Cam) and playing with the other kids too. I give God all the credit in finding Amy. She has been such a blessing to our family.

He is growing up sooo fast I can hardly remember everything he has accomplished. I just thank God every day for this little guy. So excited for our next stage, WALKING!!! Look out world Cam is on the move : )

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