Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer Fun

This summer has already been more fun than most of my past summers. For starters I have this little man who is getting into everything and discovering so many new things for the first time. Cam loves sandboxes . . and anything else he can dig in, be it dirt, bark dust, gravel, you name it, he is in it! He also loves the water and playing at the park. On the 4th he watched fireworks for the first time and LOVED it! He was grinning from ear to ear watching them explode above him. Fireworks are that much more enjoyable now watching them through his eyes. I didn't know what to look at more, his reaction to the fireworks or the fireworks themselves. Let's just say it was a toss up.

Dad and me at my first 5K race since Cam.
 Cam looooved the slide at the Canby park.

 More Park fun!
 More Teeth : )

         We also may have sold our house for the second time too. Now its just a waiting game to see if our new buyer will qualify. Fingers are crossed tight this time. I feel like the only thing on my brain lately is looking for a house. We may have found a really cute fixer upper, and when I say "fixer upper" I mean it. Wow does it need some work! But isn't there that saying out there "the best things in life are worth waiting for". At least that's what I'm hoping for.


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