Monday, March 28, 2011

My Inspiration

This posting has been inspired by My friend Rebecca's posting @!! Enjoy :)

This idea has inspired me to write a letter or two to Cam. I came upon this blog when I searched for a blog title I was coveting early today thinking just how perfect "Mom on the Run" fit me, but to my dismay it is already taken. Although this blog entry Four Months is my contribution to Inspire me Mondays. You never know what you are going to find out there in Blogland. I don't know why I have never thought of it, but what a great idea. The very idea of it nearly brought me to tears. Just think of the what if?? Know one wants to think of it, but what if something happened to one of us. Even if we all live a long and happy life, just think of how cool it would be to have a letter from your mom knowing exactly just how much she loved you at the very moment she was writing it down for you. As I was reading this post it got me thinking just how our blog entries are just that, they are letters to our babies for them to read someday. Whether or not the "what if" happens I know the letters we write to our children will always be cherished by our little ones and us as we look back on these memories someday and wish for time since past! Enjoy!!


Bec@littlelucylu said...

Yes ... definitely a good idea. It reminded me of the letter I wrote to Lucy (and posted on my blog) on her 2nd birthday.
I bawled my eyes out writing it! (and re-reading it!)
I should write her letters more often ... but I don't know if I can handle it! :)~

Sara said...

Hi!! I am following you from! Great idea about the letter writing...I feel so behind on stuff like that. I am getting better at pictures but don't seem to find time to do much else! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I must have missed that post Rebecca. I will have to go back and read it. I was crying just thinking of what I would say!! Ugh!! I am going to write Cam a letter soon.

Sara I loved your blog too! Your daughter is beautiful!! I have to say I wouldn't be so caught up on this stuff either if it wasn't for my amazing blogger friend who keeps me motivated!! I just can't thank God enough for bringing my wonderful baby into my life. Thanks for commenting!!