Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cam turns One!!

Today my baby turns one! It's hard to imagine an entire year going by this quickly. Several times today I looked back on his baby pictures, including his first ones in the hospital and thought "I can never get these moments back"! Someday I know I will wish for these days again and that just breaks my heart. Everyone warned me of this, but I failed to believe it until I experienced it for myself.

I never could have imagined how much I would love him. And to top it all off I know after this year that I love him more and more each day that I spend with him. That sounds crazy I know, but somehow it happens. I loved him instantly when I held him in the hospital, but it no where compares to the love I have for him now.

Even though today we spent most of our day in the car coming home from a week on stay in Brookings, we kept Cam happy with games of peek-a-boo, stopping to feed some birds in a park, and playing with his new best friend, "Mr. Duck" (the stuffed animal he had to have when we were grocery shopping at the beach). Cam freaked out when he saw this stuffed toy like he does when he sees a phone (for those of you who have seen Cam in the presence of a phone recently know just how excited he gets). I was sad to leave the beach today and not because it meant our vacation was over, but to think Cam's first week long vacation with us was over!! It was great seeing him spend so much time with his daddy this week too. There was no garage to occupy daddy's attention so that meant Cam and him had lots of fun playing together. You love your husband in a whole new way when you see him bound with your baby!!

Ok this is a really long post, so I will stop rambling and let you see just how much Cam has changed from newborn to now. Here are some pics of Cam this year:

Cam 2 days after we brought him home. He was sooo little then. Sigh . . .
The infamous pouty lip. He was about 3 1/2 months here.
Cam today with Mr. Duck!!

Thanks for reading : )


Bec@littlelucylu said...

Yay, Cam! I can't believe it's been a year, either!
I remember writing nearly those exact words when Lucy was turning one ... or maybe it was when she was turning two ... I can't remember, but I know exactly how you feel! It is crazy how much you can love someone - it doesn't seem possible to be able to love them MORE - until the next day comes, and then you know it's possible because you DO somehow love them more that day than the day before.
:-) said...

Yes I remember you telling me that when you visited me in the hospital. You told me you will love him even more as he gets older. Honestly at that moment I didn't believe it, but now I know just how true that statement is. I am really going to be a basket case when he turns 18!!! That seems so far away, but if time keeps moving the way it has it will be here before I know it!! Let me know if you find a way to stop time!!