Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cam 6 + months old

Cam is growing up too fast! At his 6 month appointment he was 19 pounds, 6 ounces and 28 inches long. He is big for his age, but not as big as I thought he would be. I am just hoping he slows down sometime soon so he can wear his clothes more than once. He keeps outgrowing his clothes before I have a chance to put him in them. Oh well what can you do?

Cam is now scooting across the room. He even can turn his whole body all the way around to reach for things. He now rolls across the room as his mode of transportation. He gets his butt in the air or his arms, but never at the same time to crawl. His new favorite toy is his stuffed dog that makes music. Cam loves to chew on him and throw him across the room. Sitting up is something we are still working on, but he's getting closer every day. When he sits in his Bumbo seat he is reaching for his toes and toys around him too. It is so cute to watch him grab at things. Food is something Cam never seems to struggle with. He is now eating baby food three times a day. It's hard to keep my big guy full throughout the day. We tried feeding him some mashed potatoes the other night and he did not like the texture of them. At least we tried. Cam is still yet to get his first tooth.

The best part of Cam reaching 6 months is he is responding to everyone more and more. He loves his daddy so much and it's easy to tell when dad's home. Cam just lights up when dad walks in the door at the end of the day. I am so blessed to have such an awesome husband and a great dad to Cam. Dad is the best at getting Cam to laugh and they spend much of their time making funny faces at each other and just being silly. Dad is also the best at tickling Cam. It is so sweet to watch. Cam visited his great, great grandma yesterday and she was just tickled to see him. She was even teary eyed seeing us leave after our visit. Cam is such a ham that he had everyone in my grandmas place stopping to say hello. He puts on the charm when he has admirers. It's amazing how much of their personality is developed so young.

Oh how I wish I could bottle all these memories to make sure I wouldn't forget anything. The times goes by so fast that I forget what I loved about the last stage. There is so much more to come and I am excited to see Cam crawl for the first time and say his first words. Sad to see these stages pass, but looking forward to everything to come.

Thanks for visiting!


1 comment:

Bec@littlelucylu said...

Awww! I love that picture with your grandma ... they both look SO happy! :-)