Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cam turns 5 months old ("sigh")

Today is my first post. I have been meaning to start a blog for Cam for the past 5 months now. I just can't believe it has already been five months. The time with him has flown by. I remember thinking in early March that five months at home with Cam would seem never ending . . . WOW was I ever wrong!! Now I am facing only three more days at home with my baby before heading back to work. Today I spent time going back through pictures of him and I realized just how much he has changed. I have to admit I was very teary eyed seeing just how much time has gone by. Oh how I wish I could go back to March and hold him and kiss him just a little bit more!! If it feels like this just after 5 months, what will it feel like in 5, 10, 20 years from now? Yikes!! I just know everyday is a blessing from God and I intend to soak up as much of it as possible. Well enough about me, here's what Cam has been up to:

Cam is a rolling machine these days. About three weeks ago he started rolling back and forth from his tummy to his back and vice versa. He can roll across the room now. It is one of his favorite pastimes. He tries to scoot, but usually gets frustrated and starts grunting to be picked up after awhile. Cam is also loving his Jumperoo more and more. Now when Wonder Pets (TV show) comes on and they sing their song he goes crazy jumping and giggling!! He is a jumping machine. He also realized he can see himself in the glass of the gas fireplace when he's jumping. He is a big ham. He loves to smile at himself in the mirror or anyone who will look his way.

I am starting to wonder if he is every going to learn to sit up since he only wants to stand. Well I'm sure he will figure it out eventually. He has also learned to make a clicking noise with his tongue. He thinks this is hilarious! He's eating cereal as of two weeks ago and LOVES it! He opens his mouth wide and grunts if I don't dish it up fast enough! He just started eating carrots this week too! At least I don't have to worry about him having an eating problem.

I will try and post at least once a month or more with pictures too. I will also keep my posts shorter. I can be long winded for most of you who know me. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I head back to work. I have a wonderful lady watching Cam, but the thought of not being with him all day breaks my heart. I just think "what am I going to miss"? Time goes by too fast and I don't want to miss anything.

Take care,


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